Friday, January 27, 2017


Greetings in the Name of Jesus Christ the Son of the Most High God......

The power of Jesus breaks CHAINS and brings deliverance to the captives.......
Here is a photo of a girl that was delivered from demonic forces by the Hand of Jesus through His servant, Apostle Ernest Mathew during a live service on the 15th of January 2017......

I decree as a Prophet of God that every CHAINS holding you bound, whether chains of poverty, chains of dissapointment, chains of sickness, chains of fornication,  chains of any sort of addictions.......Be Broken in the Name of Jesus

1 comment:

How to see in the Spirit(prt 1)

Visions are practical,, everyone born into this world has an ability to see things physically, except the person is born blind. Now as a C...