Monday, January 9, 2017


The Holy Spirit has commissioned Apostle Ernest Mathew with an anointing to wrought Miracles........ see how the Power of Jesus through the hands of His servant, Apostle Ernest Mathew brought healings to these people.......
One of the wonderful and beautiful works of God was a young child whom he diagnose her case prophetically been an attack from the devil.... the mother of the young child said they slept well that night in good health herself and her daughter only to wake up the next morning seeing her daughter with an affliction on the back side of her body.......In her own words, she said she didn't know what to do.....
In the miracle and healing service at SPIRIT WORD EMBASSY, the Man of God called her out,  told them the cause of the affliction and prayed for her. Three days after the prayer the young girl was made whole by the power of God....JESUS healed her.......
Here is the photo of the young girl when she was afflicted and after she was prayed for...........In her own words the mother of the young girl said;   "  I have never seen this kind of thing before,  it is really a Miracle because after the prayers the next day her back begin to dry up".......Praise God!!!  Miracles are signs that JESUS is alive. ...

Its time for you to receive yours:: distance is not a barrier...I decree and declare in the Name of Jesus receive your healing.... receive a miracle in that challenges by the Power of the Holy Spirit. .... It is done

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