Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Ministry of the Spirit

Many Christians have not realize the Powerful ministry of the Spirit of God because they have not visualize it.... What you have not visualize you can't realize. The reality of the operations of the Spirit in your life, ministry, business is by encounter.  When Moses arrived at Egypt he had a message for Pharaoh and also for Israel but he needed to let them know that his message was not from a Theological school or a Bible school, guess what he said,  he said "The Lord has met with us... In other words, I had an encounter or I have seen a vision". Without encounter your message is a counterfeit. When the ministry of the Spirit is born, suddenly there is a shaking in the spirit.... There's an outpour of His gifts. The word of God is NOT Bible, the Word of God is the Word of God. It is still as powerful as it was in the mouth of Moses, Elijah, Isaiah, Daniel and others... There was absolutely NO character in the Bible that spoke God's word with no Power.... The ministry of the Spirit is manifested in Prophecy, Miracles, Healing, Salvation, Deliverance, Visions and so on.... God bless you richly, Amen.

How to see in the Spirit(prt 1)

Visions are practical,, everyone born into this world has an ability to see things physically, except the person is born blind. Now as a C...